Stay updated with Benchkart’s Blog

Power of 3D Animation in Brand Marketing

In today’s digital age, brands are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of their target audience. One powerful tool that has emerged in recent years is 3D animation. This technology allows brands to create immersive and engaging content that can help them connect with ... Read more

Better Videos With End-to-End Procurement Partners

The growth of videos in engaging audiences and conveying messages effectively has fueled the demand for high-quality video production services. However, achieving excellence in video production requires more than just creative talent and technical expertise; it requires a strategic approach to procurement. The Importance of Video Production Excellence Video production is a multifaceted process that ... Read more

Unlocking Success: 7 Proven Strategies to Convert Clients

During the last 4+ years, there have been tens of 1000s of proposals from service providers that have been submitted and reviewed on the portal. Then, we have facilitated 100s of meetings of service providers with clients with large deals at stake. This entire process has helped us get a very close view of the ... Read more

Benchkart ERP Implementation Guide for Mid-Size Organizations

In today’s dynamic business landscape, mid-size companies are continually seeking ways to optimize their operations and drive growth. One powerful solution for this is the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. These comprehensive software platforms offer a range of integrated functionalities designed to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide valuable insights for informed decision-making. ... Read more

Diversity & Inclusion: Our Commitment

Diversity and inclusion are essential for companies to thrive in today’s business landscape. Benchkart, as a company, recognizes this fact and is committed to D&I as a key culture and a strategy pillar. In this article, we will explore why diversity and inclusion are important for businesses, how companies benefit when they have diverse teams, ... Read more

Rise of Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy

The digital economy has created unprecedented opportunities for women to start and grow their own businesses. As the world becomes more connected, women are harnessing the power of technology to launch new ventures, scale their existing businesses, and create positive social and economic impact. One of the main reasons for the rise of women entrepreneurs ... Read more

What is Digital Entrepreneurship : How to Start an Online Business in 2023

Digital entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating, managing, and growing an online business or enterprise. In other words, it is the use of technology and the internet to start and run a business. The rise of digital technology and the widespread use of the internet have created a plethora of opportunities for entrepreneurs to ... Read more
Outsourced Services

List of Organizational Services That Can Be Outsourced

Outsourcing has become a popular business practice in recent years, with more and more companies turning to outsourcing as a way to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and focus on their core competencies. Outsourcing agencies involves contracting out specific business functions to third-party service providers who specialize in those areas. These providers can be located domestically ... Read more
Outsourcing I Services

Top 5 Advantages of Outsourcing B2B Services to IT Outsourcing Company

Outsourcing digital services has become an essential component of business strategy these days. It is also a robust market, as companies have to make sure they have a solid plan for outsourcing B2B services globally. For some, outsourcing IT makes sense for them, but for others not so much. It is important to manage all ... Read more
Outsourcing UI/UX Design

Things to Consider When Outsourcing UI/UX Design in 2023  

Businesses are always looking for ways to improve their sales and retain their customers. In order to do this, they invest in professional and well-designed ui ux services. However, finding the right  UI/UX design agencies for  outsourcing can be confusing. With so many options available for web design services in the b2b marketplace, it is ... Read more
Tips For Digital Entrepreneurs

Tips For Digital Entrepreneurs with Startup Businesses in 2023

Startup entrepreneurs have become more common in the past few decades. Entrepreneurs who start these businesses are part of an impressive generation that is taking more risks and redefining success. With the rise of technology, digital entrepreneurship has become an increasingly popular option for those seeking to start their own businesses. Digital entrepreneurship, also known ... Read more

How can outsourced marketing services improve your ROI?

Outsourced marketing services can also help you save money in the long run. By leveraging the expertise of a professional digital marketing team, you can ensure that your campaigns are well-planned, executed, and monitored for maximum effectiveness. This will help you get the most out of your budget while still achieving desired results. It is no secret ... Read more
How E-Commerce Outsourcing Services Empower your E-Commerce Business

How E-Commerce Outsourcing Services Empower your E-Commerce Business

In the ever-evolving digital world, companies that don’t evolve with the times can easily be left behind. In the midst of this digital transformation, e-commerce outsourcing is quickly becoming an invaluable tool for businesses to capitalise on the latest technology and trends. What is e-commerce outsourcing? E-commerce outsourcing is the process of using a third-party ... Read more

Why and How to Outsource App Development

If you’re in the business of developing mobile apps, you’ve probably considered outsourcing app development at one point or another. After all, it can be a great way to save time and money. But how do you know if it’s right for your company? In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why you might ... Read more
What Makes a Successful Digipreneur Banner Image

What Makes a Successful Digital Entrepreneur – DigiPreneur?

Own a startup or planning to start an online business? That’s great news. If you planning to become the next Mark, Elon, or Jeff, you need to know what they did to become a successful entrepreneur. In this digitally driven world, the competition is tough, and to make your idea stand out, you need to ... Read more
B2B Lead Generation Banner Image

Improve B2B lead generation in 2022 with these tips and strategies.

Lead generation is the most important part of any business’s marketing strategy. With the rapidly evolving marketing sphere, businesses need to hop on trends and improvise their strategies to entice their customers. Want to know what’s trending in the lead generation space in 2022? Read on! If you’re in business, then you know that generating ... Read more
Performance Marketing Vs Digital Marketing Banner Image

What is the difference between performance marketing and digital marketing?

What is digital marketing vs performance marketing? You may have heard these terms before, but you’re not quite sure what they mean. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the differences between these two types of marketing strategies. We’ll start by talking about the different digital solutions and marketing endeavors that are taking the world by ... Read more
Project Management Outsourcing Banner Image

Project Management Outsourcing – Types and Benefits

Staying ahead of the competition is key to success in any business, and expanding into new markets is one way to do that. However, with so many aspects of the business to juggle, you may not have the time or expertise to handle everything yourself. Time constraints and lack of expertise make it difficult for ... Read more
X Brilliant Strategies to Boost Retail Sales During Festive Season Banner Image

6 Brilliant Strategies to Boost Retail Sales During Festive Season

The festive season is just around the corner and business owners are gearing up for a busy few months of the 2022 festival calendar. The upcoming festivals offer a great opportunity to multiply your retail sales. But, in order to take advantage of this period, you need to employ some smart strategies. It’s all about ... Read more
Top 5 Digital Marketplace Trends Banner Image

Top 5 Digital Marketplace Trends

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses all over the world. However, as the world begins to recover, businesses need to reestablish their presence and continue to grow. One of the most popular ways for businesses to do this is through digital marketplaces. These b2b marketplaces allow vendors to connect with consumers, ... Read more
7 Essential Skills Entrepreneurs Must Have for Successful Entrepreneurship Banner Image

7 Essential Skills Entrepreneurs Must Have for Successful Entrepreneurship

Being a successful digital entrepreneur is not easy. It requires a lot of skills and hard work. In today’s digital age, digital skills for entrepreneurs are more important than ever before. Without them, it will be difficult to succeed in the ever-changing business landscape. Today, digital entrepreneurship skills are a must-have for every business owner, ... Read more
A Beginner's Guide to Influencer Marketing Strategies Banner Image

A Beginner’s Guide to Influencer Marketing Strategies

In a world where people are constantly connected to social media, influencer marketing has become one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers. But what is influencer marketing? How to do influencer marketing? And how can you harness its power for your business? In this guide, we will answer these questions ... Read more
5 Most Amazing Festive Season Campaigns Banner Image

5 Most Amazing Festive Season Campaigns

The festive season is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for marketers to start planning their campaigns. This is always a tricky time for businesses, as they need to grab the attention of consumers who are bombarded with messages from all sides. In this blog post, we will take a look at ... Read more
What's the Difference: Website Revamp and Website Redesign Banner Image

What’s the Difference: Website Revamp and Website Redesign

There’s a lot of talk about website redesigns and website revamps. But what’s the difference? Many people think they’re one and the same, but that’s not quite accurate. . It’s not as simple as just changing the appearance of the website – there are strategic reasons behind every redesign, and the process can be quite ... Read more
Major Web Development Challenges & How to Tackle Them Banner Image

Major Web Development Challenges & How to Tackle Them

The web development industry is constantly evolving, and with it come new challenges for businesses. From creating responsive websites to ensuring cross-browser compatibility, many issues need to be tackled to create a successful website. For this reason, web development is often best done by custom web development agencies. The World Wide Web is changing at ... Read more
5 Reasons You Should Switch to an IT Outsourcing Company Banner Image

5 Reasons You Should Switch to an IT Outsourcing Company

The business world is constantly changing, and with it, the way businesses operate. One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the rise of the outsourcing business. Businesses are now outsourcing everything from accounting to website design. There is one area of outsourcing business that has seen particular growth in recent years ... Read more
Why IT Outsourcing is Essential for Businesses Banner Image

Why IT Outsourcing is Essential for Businesses?

In the era of globalization, it is no wonder that IT outsourcing has become one of the most popular options for businesses across all industries because of outsourcing benefits viz. A recent study showed that more than 80% of companies are now outsourcing some aspect of their IT operations, and this number is only going ... Read more
5 Benefits of Being a Digital Entrepreneur Banner Image

5 Benefits of Being a Digital Entrepreneur

Being a digital entrepreneur is one of the most exciting careers today. With the rise of digital transformation, there are endless opportunities for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses online. However, while being a digital entrepreneur is full of potential, it can also be challenging if you don’t have the right tools and guidance. ... Read more
Major B2B Marketing Lead Generation Challenges & Solutions Banner Image

Major B2B Marketing Lead Generation Challenges & Solutions

As a business-to-business (B2B) marketer, you know that B2B lead generation is one of the most important aspects of your job. However, doing so can be quite challenging at times. There are several factors to consider, such as the ever-changing digital landscape, from finding the right prospects to getting them interested in your product or ... Read more
Software Development Services Outsourcing - The Ultimate Guide Banner Image

A Beginner’s Guide to Software Development Outsourcing

It’s no secret that software development is a complex and challenging process. Not only do you need the right skills and experience, but you must also have access to the latest tools and technologies. This can be difficult for businesses that don’t have the necessary resources in-house. That’s where the IT outsourcing company comes in. ... Read more
How Brands can Benefit from Metaverse Banner Image

How brands can benefit from Metaverse?

The metaverse is the next big thing. If you’re not familiar with it, don’t worry – you will be soon. The metaverse is a virtual reality realm that sits on top of the internet, and it’s where all the action is going to be in the years to come. Only a few weeks ago, many ... Read more
Be Productive While Working From Home Banner Image

10 Rules to Help You Be Productive While Working from Home

Are you finding it hard to be productive while working from home? You’re not alone. Most of us need a few guidelines to help us stay on track and focused when we’re not in an office setting. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make ”working from home” work for you. ... Read more
Why Benchkart is an Ideal Place for SMBs Banner Image

Benchkart is an ideal place for SMBs. Here’s why?

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are the backbone of any economy. They are responsible for creating jobs, driving innovation, and boosting economic growth. In today’s digital age, SMBs require digital transformation. However, finding the right service provider can be a daunting task for SMBs. They often spend a lot of time and resources trying to ... Read more
Hiring A Digital Marketing Agency Banner Image

Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency? Avoid These 5 Mistakes.

The digital world is developing at a very fast pace, and businesses need to adapt their marketing strategies to stay ahead of the curve. There are many digital marketing agencies out there that can help businesses with this. Many digital agencies offering similar services can make it hard to pinpoint which is best suited for ... Read more
Finding the right agency

The 5 Cs to Finding the Right Agency for Your Business

Finding the right agency for your business is one of the most critical decisions when you are outsourcing. This decision should be taken in a structured & objective way. Otherwise, this can affect not only the ROI of your project but in some cases even the completion of the same. The reason for this is ... Read more
Why Outsourcing Digital Marketing is a Good Idea Banner Image

Why You Should Consider Digital Outsourcing Services?

Are you there where your potential customers are? It takes time and resources to reach your target market at the appropriate moment. In today’s digital world, businesses need to have an online presence. It’s about time you choose digital outsourcing services. A study by Forbes shows that “four out of five consumers conduct online research ... Read more
7 Growth Hacks for Ecommerce Business Head Banner Image

7 Growth Hacks for Ecommerce Business Head

As an Ecommerce business owner, you are always looking for ways to increase your sales and grow your business. But with so much information out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this blog post, I’ll share seven growth hacks that have helped me and my clients grow their ecommerce businesses. ... Read more
Outsourcing Agencies Banner Image

5 digital solutions an outsourcing agency can help you with to grow your business.

Businesses big and small are all making the digital leap to stay competitive in this ever-changing digital world. Almost every business needs to have a digital solution component as part of its operations. It’s more important than ever to have a digital strategy in place that can help you reach your business goals. However, not ... Read more
Digital Services Banner Image

How Small Businesses Can Leverage Different Digital Services?

In the wake of Covid-19, small businesses have been left struggling to keep their heads above water. With so many people now unemployed, it can be difficult for a small business to compete. However, there are still ways for them to succeed! One way is to leverage different digital services by digital outsourcing. Companies that ... Read more
Online Marketplace Banner Image

4 Ways How Online Marketplaces are Transforming Industries

The digital marketplace is transforming industries at an alarming rate. By providing a platform for businesses to connect and outsource services, the digital marketplace is making it easier than ever for companies to get the help they need to succeed. More and more companies are turning to online marketplaces to outsource services and find new ... Read more
Outsourced IT Services Banner Image

6 Key Outsourced IT services SMBs Need

If you’re an SMB, then you know that maintaining your competitive edge is essential to your success. In today’s digital age, that means having the latest and greatest IT services at your disposal for your digital business transformation. These are tense times for commercial technology. With digital business transformation, a pandemic, and security breaches all ... Read more
Digital Entrepreneurs Banner Image

5 Challenges A Digital Entrepreneur Often Face

So you want to be a digital entrepreneur or you can say a digipreneur? Are you searching on the net for “How to become a digital entrepreneur?” I know It’s an exciting time – you’re at the forefront of a rapidly transforming industry with digital technology. Digital Entrepreneurs or transformed entrepreneurship is the identification and ... Read more
Outsourcing Agencies for ERP integration

7 Benefits of ERP Integration for B2B eCommerce

As businesses continue to shift their focus to B2B eCommerce, they must consider the benefits of ERP integration into their digital business transformation initiatives. By doing so, they can enjoy several advantages that will help them streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. In this blog post, we will discuss seven of the most ... Read more
B2B Digital Services Banner Imgae

How B2B Marketplace can help Grow Your Business?

Do you have a small business? Are you looking for ways to scale it up? In the early days of business, companies had to rely on personal relationships and referrals to find new customers. However, today there are several different ways for businesses to find new customers. One of the most efficient and cost-effective ways ... Read more
IT Outsourcing Services Banner Image

Why Outsourcing IT Services is Advantageous?

When it comes to the critical task of managing and developing an organization’s IT infrastructure, many businesses feel overwhelmed. It can be difficult to find the time and resources necessary to do everything in-house. This is where outsourcing agencies can come in handy. Outsourcing IT services can be a great way to get the help ... Read more
Best Cloud Migration Services Blog Banner Image

Cloud Migration: Need for the Hour for Business

If your business is still relying on outdated, on-premise technologies, it’s time to make a change. Cloud migration is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes and industries. In 2022, most enterprises will have replaced their legacy systems with cloud-based solutions. Why wait until then? There are many compelling reasons to migrate to the ... Read more
Website Design Agency Banner Image

6 Things to Consider Before Choosing the Perfect Website Design Agency

When it comes to website design, many business owners feel overwhelmed. After all, this is the first impression that many people will have of your company and it is the best lead generator that you have. There are many agencies for web design but it’s important to choose the right web design company to create ... Read more
Why You Need to Outsource CRM Function Banner Image

Why You Need to Outsource CRM Function?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential process for all businesses, whether it is a small or big company. It helps to manage and track customer data, interactions, and history.  Implementing a successful customer relationship management (CRM) system requires expertise and constant evaluation. If you do not have the necessary resources in-house, it is always ... Read more
Your Complete Guide To Finding the Best ERP Consultant Banner Image

Your Complete Guide To Finding the Best ERP Consultant in 2022

Implementation of ERP projects can be difficult and complex. This is especially true if you are new to the process and don’t have a lot of implementation knowledge. That’s why it’s important to bring in an ERP consultant to help guide you through the process. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need ... Read more
Why is Benchkart an Ideal Destination for Finding B2B Services Banner Image

Why is Benchkart an Ideal Destination for Finding B2B Services?

Business to business services has evolved and increased over the years. It’s not easy to find a reliable and competent business outsourcing service provider. With so many companies offering a variety of services, it can be difficult to determine who you can trust. You need proper guidance to find the right service provider. That’s where ... Read more
7 Easy Tips to Get More Followers on Social Media Banner Image

7 Easy Tips to Get More Followers on Social Media

Are you searching “how to grow more followers on social media for business“? If so, you’re not alone! A strong social media presence is crucial for any business looking to reach its target audience and generate more revenue. But it’s not an easy task to increase social media followers.  In this blog post, we will ... Read more
digital business transformation strategy Banner Image

How Benchkart Can Help SMBs Transform their Business?

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are the backbone of any economy. But what happens when SMBs don’t have the resources to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape? This is where Benchkart comes in – we provide digital transformation services that help SMBs stay competitive and agile in today’s digital age. Our unique platform helps ... Read more
How to Effectively Drive Sales through Digital Services Banner Image

How to Effectively Drive Sales through Digital Services?

Sales and marketing are two of the most important aspects of any business. If you want your company to be successful, you need to have a strong digital sales and marketing strategy in place. In today’s digital age, it is more important than ever to incorporate digital services to boost sales and marketing plans. Many ... Read more
6 Ways to Digitally Transform your Business in 2022 Banner Image

6 Ways to Digitally Transform your Business in 2022

Nowadays digital transformation has become a buzzword. Almost every business nowadays needs to be digitally transformed to keep up with the competition. The digital age has revolutionized the way we do things, and businesses that don’t adapt will quickly fall behind. Digital business transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new or ... Read more
Outsourcing Company Banner Image

Why hiring multiple specialized agencies can be advantageous?

When it comes to business, small and medium-sized business owners (SMBs) are always looking for ways to improve efficiencies and strengthen the company’s bottom line. One way to improve efficiency of company is by hiring multiple specialized digital agencies to outsource certain business operations. By doing so, SMBs can focus on their core competencies and ... Read more
Hiring a Social Media Agency Banner Image

7 Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring a Social Media Agency

Social media has become an important part of building brand reputation. Although it is a must-have strategy, companies need to avoid some common mistakes while choosing the right social media agency. Unfortunately, many businesses make the mistake of hiring an agency without doing their research first. This can lead to disaster. In this article, we ... Read more
Discovery Session

The need for a ‘discovery’ session for complex projects

Many business owners have never used a formal discovery session when undertaking a complex digital project. We routinely see co-founders approaching us with complex projects (e.g. development of a large fintech or eCommerce application), where there are multiple functionalities, integrations & user personas. In some cases, the team has clarity on what they want to ... Read more
Best Digital Marketing Services Blog Banner Image

How Does Benchkart Simplify Your Quest for Best Digital Services?

In the present day world, almost every business needs a strong online presence to survive and thrive in the market. The best way to achieve this is by outsourcing best digital services to an expert agency. However, finding the right agency can be an intimidating task with so many different options present. That’s where Benchkart ... Read more
5 Different Services in Digital Marketing to Look out for Banner Image

5 different services in digital marketing to look out for

The marketing landscape is always evolving, with new services and strategies popping up all the time. It can be tough to keep up with it all, especially if you’re not familiar with all the different services in Digital Marketing out there. Outsourcing services can make it easier if you are not updated with marketing trends.  ... Read more
cloud based erp

Why SME Companies are Choosing Cloud-Based ERP Software

In order to remain competitive in today’s business environment, SME companies need to embrace innovation. One area where companies are seeing a lot of innovation is Cloud based ERP software deployment. In the past, traditional on-site ERP was the only option for businesses. However, this type of ERP is no longer able to keep up ... Read more

5 Things to consider before choosing the right Digital Marketing Agency

It’s not easy to find the best digital marketing agency and the digital footprint of your business has become critically important. There are many out there and all of them claim to be the best. Choosing the right one for your business remains a major challenge. How do you know which one is right for ... Read more

The rise of B2B marketplaces in procurement

The procurement process for enterprises is evolving with the rise of B2B marketplaces. Traditionally, enterprises would go through a lengthy process of finding and vetting suppliers, negotiating prices, and then signing contracts. This process can be time-consuming and expensive, and it can often be difficult to find the right supplier. Today, more and more businesses ... Read more

The most effective ways for Video Marketing

As video consumption increases, it’s becoming more and more important for businesses to include video marketing in their overall marketing strategy. YouTube is now the 2nd most popular search engine in the world, so if you’re not using video content you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of ... Read more

How to Leverage LinkedIn for B2B Marketing Success!

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media sites for B2B marketing. LinkedIn has been called the “goldmine for B2B companies.” It provides a platform that is perfect for reaching out to potential customers and partners. B2B marketers have been trying to figure out how to find success on LinkedIn for years now, but ... Read more

10 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses on an Affordable Budget

Facebook is a powerful marketing tool for small businesses. With over two billion active users, Facebook offers an incredible opportunity to reach a large audience. However, many small businesses don’t know how to use Facebook effectively and end up wasting time and money on campaigns that don’t produce results. In this blog post, we’ll show ... Read more

Benchkart’s marketplace for digital transformation gets a thumbs up from angel investors

Benchkart, a platform that helps companies accelerate their digital transformation, has raised an undisclosed amount of angel funding. The round was led by angel investors in their personal capacity, including Tejinderpal Miglani (Co-founder Incedo Inc., Founding CTO Indiabulls), Rajeev Sethi (CEO, Ooredoo Myanmar), Sameer Anjaria (COO, SRL Diagnostics), Idi Srinivas Murthy (Marketing Consultant & Angel ... Read more
Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation: 5 Reasons to consider Outsourcing

Unless you have been living on a remote island, you couldn’t have missed the wave of businesses “going digital”. In fact, odds are that the adoption of digital technology is already a key part of your strategy. The good news, then, is that you are already on the Digital Transformation journey. Digital transformation is all ... Read more

Benefits of Video Marketing: The 5 key points

Content Marketing is an effective way to build a brand and grow your business. One form of content marketing that is growing in significance is Video Marketing and it’s very important to know about the benefits of Video Marketing. Video is a very powerful tool for a brand to spread its message. Videos are easily ... Read more

Digital Technologies: 4 Steps to Adoption

Today, every company, howsoever small, must think and act like a Digital Company. The only way to ensure that you grow & thrive in the post-pandemic world is by adopting digital technologies. However, the adoption of digital technologies is sometimes not very simple. Not every company has internal talent or resources who are well versed ... Read more

Online Education: Necessity or Boon?

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The famous expression by Sir Winston Churchill is one of high relevance for online education in the COVID-19 crisis. Industries have reinvented their business models and re-defined how they approach various parts of their value chains. Businesses are now significantly reliant on the rapid use of technology ... Read more

WordPress Website: 5 Points to consider while creating

In this digital era, most of us are starting our own businesses and most have started already. Once anyone plans to start their business, they finalize their business model and concepts. Then, the first thing that comes to their mind is how they are going to make their online presence. The first thing that comes ... Read more
Outsourcing Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing for Small Business: The 5 basic steps

The current health crisis has badly impacted a lot of industries (e.g. automotive, furniture, luxury) and has proved to be a boon for many others (e.g. pharmacies, household goods, groceries).  Digital marketing for small businesses, as a practice, has been instrumental in deciding the impact of the pandemic. It is important to note that consumer ... Read more

Things to know before getting a website made

Are you getting a website made? If you have decided to create a *website/web application for taking your business online, read on… *First of all what is the difference between a website and a web application. Although both of these terms can be used interchangeably more often a website is considered for a small set ... Read more

Adopting Digital Technologies is a Fundamental Right

Today, the largest enterprise to the smallest grocery store is realizing that adopting digital technologies is the only way to survive & thrive. Satya Nadella says, “every company needs to start thinking and operating like a digital company”. To make the point clearer, let’s take an example of 2 retail stores on opposite sides of ... Read more

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