Rise of Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy

The digital economy has created unprecedented opportunities for women to start and grow their own businesses. As the world becomes more connected, women are harnessing the power of technology to launch new ventures, scale their existing businesses, and create positive social and economic impact.

One of the main reasons for the rise of women entrepreneurs in the digital economy is the accessibility of technology. With the internet, social media, and other digital tools, women can easily and inexpensively reach global audiences, connect with customers and partners, and access resources and support networks. This has leveled the playing field, making it easier for women to compete with established businesses and tap into new markets.

Another key factor driving the rise of women entrepreneurs in the digital economy is the changing attitudes and expectations toward women in business. Women are increasingly seen as capable leaders and innovators, and their contributions to the economy are being recognized and celebrated. This has led to greater access to funding, mentorship, and other resources, which has enabled women to start and grow successful businesses.

Women entrepreneurs are becoming more common today. Women are not only entering the workforce in larger numbers, but they are also starting businesses at higher rates than men. According to research from the Kauffman Foundation, there were nearly 200,000 women-owned firms in 2010 compared with just over 100,000 in 2003. These numbers show that not only are more women starting businesses today than ever before but also that their success rate is increasing faster than men’s during this same period of time.

In contrast to men, women tend to be more altruistic and interested in helping others. They also have a greater focus on social causes, rather than making money. This can be seen in the ways that many female entrepreneurs have chosen to use their resources:

  • Women entrepreneurs are more likely than men to donate their time and money toward environmental issues. In fact, research shows that nearly 60% of all female venture capitalists consider climate change an important issue when investing in startups (Wang et al., 2018).
  • Female entrepreneurs are even more likely than their male counterparts to support animal welfare organizations like PETA or Mercy For Animals; one study found that 57% of female founders were involved with non-profit organizations while only 9% of male founders did so (Schwartzman et al., 2017).

Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy 

  1. E-commerce – Women can start an online store, selling goods and services on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. E-commerce is a rapidly growing sector, and it offers women entrepreneurs the ability to reach customers all over the world.
  2. Digital Marketing – Women can use their creativity and communication skills to provide digital marketing services. This includes social media management, search engine optimization, content creation, and email marketing.
  3. Virtual Assistance- Women can offer virtual assistance services to businesses and entrepreneurs. This includes administrative support, customer service, research, and data entry.
  4. Online Education – Women can create and sell online courses on various topics, such as cooking, fitness, business, and technology. With the rise of e-learning platforms like Udemy and Coursera, there is a huge demand for online education.
  5. App Development – Women can develop mobile apps for various industries, such as healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment. There is a growing need for mobile apps that can solve problems and make people’s lives easier.
  6. Web Development – Women can become web developers, designing and building websites for individuals and businesses. With the rise of the internet, websites are becoming essential for any business that wants to establish a presence online.
  7. Freelancing – Women can offer their skills as freelancers, working on projects such as writing, graphic design, programming, and photography. Freelancing offers flexibility and the ability to work on a variety of projects.

In conclusion, the digital economy presents a wealth of opportunities for women entrepreneurs. By leveraging their skills and creativity, women can start successful businesses and achieve financial independence.

Also read: 

What Makes A Successful Digital Entrepreneur

7 Essential Entrepreneurial Skills

Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy

  1. Gender Bias – Despite efforts to promote gender equality, gender bias continues to be a challenge for women entrepreneurs in the digital economy. Women may face challenges in accessing funding, resources, and networking opportunities because of their gender.
  2. Lack of Access to Finance –Women entrepreneurs in the digital economy may struggle to access finance because of the lack of collateral or due to gender bias in the financial system.
  3. Lack of Representation- Women are underrepresented in the technology and digital industries, which can make it difficult for female entrepreneurs to find mentors, role models, and opportunities to network.
  4. Work-life Balance- Women entrepreneurs in the digital economy may struggle to balance work and personal life due to the high demands of running a business in a fast-paced industry.
  5. Cybersecurity – Women entrepreneurs in the digital economy may face unique cybersecurity risks, such as online harassment and cyberstalking, which can impact their mental health and business operations.
  6. Digital Divide – Women entrepreneurs in developing countries may lack access to digital infrastructure and technology, which can limit their ability to participate in the digital economy.
  7. Social and Cultural Norms – Social and cultural norms can limit women’s participation in the digital economy, particularly in countries where women are expected to conform to traditional gender roles.

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How to become a successful Digital Entrepreneur

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy

Women entrepreneurs are essential to the success of the digital economy. They have the knowledge, skills, and experience to bring new ideas and products to market. Women make up more than half of new businesses in many countries, but they are less likely than men to be doing business online.

The Digital Enterprise Council (DEC) is a global coalition of technology companies committed to helping women entrepreneurs succeed in the digital economy. DEC works with organizations that support women entrepreneurs through education, mentorship, and access to capital.

Women entrepreneurs and women-owned firms are key to the success of new business creation in the digital economy. Women entrepreneurs, more than any other group, are critical to the growth and innovation needed to fuel the digital economy.

  1. Encouraging Digital Literacy – Governments and private sector organizations can encourage digital literacy by providing training programs and resources to help women entrepreneurs improve their technical skills and leverage emerging technologies.
  2. Providing Access to Finance – Governments, the private sector, and development organizations can provide women entrepreneurs with access to finance through grants, loans, and other financial mechanisms that specifically target women entrepreneurs.
  3. Bridging the Digital Divide – Governments and development organizations can work to bridge the digital divide by providing women entrepreneurs with access to digital infrastructure and technology, such as high-speed internet, mobile devices, and software tools.
  4. Promoting Gender Equality- Governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations can promote gender equality in the digital economy by advocating for policies and initiatives that address gender bias, provide equal opportunities for women, and create a supportive environment for women entrepreneurs.
  5. Building Networks and Mentorship Opportunities– Governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations can create networks and mentorship opportunities for women entrepreneurs to connect with other entrepreneurs, access resources, and develop their skills and knowledge.


As we’ve seen, the digital economy is changing rapidly and expanding in different ways for people of all genders. The digital economy creates new opportunities for women entrepreneurs and others who want to pursue their passions, but it also presents some challenges—and those challenges can be different based on your gender.

As we wrap up the rise of women entrepreneurs in the digital economy, it’s clear that there are many reasons why digital entrepreneurs are becoming more common today. These include greater access to technology resources, such as internet connections and mobile phones; a focus on social causes rather than making money; an interest in helping others; willingness to take risks with big ideas. The rise of women entrepreneurs in the digital economy is a positive development that should be celebrated and supported. Tie in Benchkart as an ideal platform for entrepreneur women to seek services from and help them grow.