Benchkart ERP Implementation Guide for Mid-Size Organizations

In today’s dynamic business landscape, mid-size companies are continually seeking ways to optimize their operations and drive growth. One powerful solution for this is the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. These comprehensive software platforms offer a range of integrated functionalities designed to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide valuable insights for informed decision-making. In this article, we explore the benefits of ERP implementation specifically for mid-size companies and how it can address their unique challenges. We delve into the key considerations for selecting the right ERP solution, highlight the planning and implementation process, and discuss the critical success factors for achieving a successful outcome. Join us on this journey to discover how mid-size companies can leverage ERP systems to enhance their competitiveness and pave the way for sustainable growth.

Why ERP Implementation?

Mid-size companies face unique challenges when it comes to managing their operations and scaling their businesses. Lack of technical know-how, limited resources, budget constraints, and lean teams can hinder their ability to efficiently handle complex processes. Data fragmentation and lack of visibility across departments can lead to communication gaps and inefficiencies. Additionally, legacy systems and outdated technology may no longer meet the evolving needs of the company. Mid-size companies also need to navigate the complexities of growth, such as expanding into new markets or managing increased customer demands or as we are seeing very frequently nowadays, newer & more complex revenue models like subscriptions & freemiums.

These challenges can impede productivity, hinder decision-making, and hinder the company’s ability to compete effectively. In addition, some companies face the challenge of a poor experience of an ERP implementation in the past. This could have been due to the choice of a sub-optimal ERP solution, wrong vendor or a lack of internal (beyond the leadership) readiness to implement ERP.


If you are here, no doubt, you already understand the benefits of ERP implementation.

Implementing an ERP system can revolutionize the way mid-size companies operate, offering a multitude of benefits. Improved operational efficiency and streamlined processes enable companies to optimize resource allocation and reduce costs. Real-time data visibility empowers better decision-making, as accurate and up-to-date information is readily available across departments. Enhanced collaboration and communication foster a cohesive work environment, boosting productivity and teamwork. Scalability ensures that the ERP system can grow alongside the company, accommodating increased transaction volumes and expanding operations seamlessly. Furthermore, regulatory compliance is strengthened, financial management is improved, and customer satisfaction is heightened through streamlined workflows and enhanced service delivery. Ultimately, ERP empowers mid-size companies to achieve sustainable growth and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Steps in ERP Implementation

Having once decided to go with an ERP system, you must understand the steps involved in the entire journey right from the start to the finish.

Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of your company’s requirements, pain points, and goals. Identify the specific functionalities and features you need from an ERP system to address these needs effectively.

Goal Setting: Define clear and measurable goals for the ERP implementation. These goals could include improving operational efficiency, enhancing data accuracy, streamlining processes, or achieving specific business outcomes.

Project Planning: Create a detailed project plan that outlines the timeline, milestones, resources, and responsibilities for each phase of the implementation. Consider factors such as data migration, system configuration, user training, and testing.

ERP Selection: Evaluate different ERP solutions based on your requirements and select the one that best aligns with your needs, budget, and long-term goals. Consider factors such as functionality, scalability, vendor support, and total cost of ownership. In the next section, we delve a into a little more detail on this.

System Configuration: Work closely with the ERP vendor or implementation team to configure the system based on your specific business processes and requirements. Customize the system to match your workflows, data structures, and industry-specific needs.

Data Migration: Plan and execute the migration of data from legacy systems or existing databases to the new ERP system. Ensure data integrity, accuracy, and security throughout the migration process.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Perform thorough testing of the ERP system to ensure that it functions correctly and meets your requirements. Identify and resolve any issues or bugs before moving forward with the implementation.

User Training: Provide comprehensive training to employees who will be using the ERP system. Educate them on system functionalities, processes, and best practices to maximize user adoption and ensure smooth transition.

Change Management: Develop a change management strategy to facilitate organizational acceptance and adoption of the new ERP system. Communicate the benefits, address concerns, and provide ongoing support to employees during the transition period. By the way, this is perhaps the most important aspect of the implementation. There has to be a leadership commitment as well as organizational buy-in for the ERP implementation to succeed.

Go-Live and Post-Implementation Support: Execute the final cutover to the new ERP system and monitor its performance. Provide ongoing support and address any post-implementation issues or challenges that may arise.

Continuous Improvement: Continuously monitor and evaluate the ERP system’s performance, gather feedback from users, and identify areas for improvement. Implement enhancements and updates as needed to optimize system functionality and support evolving business needs.

Remember that the specifics of each step may vary based on the ERP system, vendor, and your organization’s unique requirements. It is crucial to tailor the implementation process to suit your specific circumstances and seek guidance from the ERP vendor or implementation experts throughout the journey.

ERP Selection – Considerations

In this section, we dig deeper into one of the points discussed above i.e. ERP selection. ERP implementations are fairly large interventions into your business and can be complex. The purpose of the list below is not to overwhelm you but to give you an idea of the top things that one needs to consider before choosing any solution

  1. Functionality: Understand your specific business requirements and evaluate the ERP system’s features and modules to ensure they align with your needs. For example, if you have complex inventory management, look for an ERP system with robust inventory control capabilities. Being clear yourself is very important.
  2. Scalability: Consider your company’s growth plans and ensure the ERP solution can handle increasing data volume, users, and transactions. Think how many customers, transactions, users etc. will the system need to process in 5-7 years rather than next year.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Assess how well the ERP system integrates with your existing applications and databases. Equally, be ready to get capabilities built into ERP if your existing applications are very old or not scalable.
  4. Ease of Use: Prioritize user-friendly ERP systems with intuitive interfaces and navigation. Look for solutions which are most often used in your industry.
  5. Customization Options: Determine if the ERP system can be customized to match your unique business processes. It’s a good idea to be clear on what kind of reports and processes you need, but you should also be ready to change your process, if required.
  6. Vendor Reputation: Research the reputation and industry experience of ERP vendors. Look for examples of successful implementations and positive customer experiences from companies similar to yours. Work with a consultant or B2B marketplace that can provide unbiased guidance and provide you with a range of options in terms of solutions and vendors.
  7. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): Analyse the overall cost, including licensing, implementation, support, and future upgrades. This is an important aspect and will be discussed in detail next.
  8. Vendor Support: Evaluate the level of support provided by the ERP vendor, including response time and ongoing customer assistance. Getting a good feel from the vendor is important. A vendor who is in the consultation mode and happily helping you understand the issues (even before the deal is done) is preferable to someone who just wants to close the deal.

By considering these factors and exploring relevant examples, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and sets the stage for a successful ERP implementation.

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

One of my observations with a lot of Indian mid-size businesses is that they confuse cost vs investment. ERP is not a cost but an investment. The larger decisions e.g. whether to go or not go with ERP, which kind of ERP to go with, what modules to implement, etc. should be based on the benefits that the ERP brings to your business rather than just the cost of the same. Therefore, you should focus on the ROI rather than just the cost.

Having said that, the cost involved in ERP can be fairly large and it is important for you to understand them. The total cost includes

  • Software License Costs
  • Implementation Costs
  • Infrastructure Costs
  • Integration Costs
  • Customization and Development Costs
  • Maintenance and Support Costs
  • Training and Change Management Costs
  • Data Management and Security Costs
  • Upgrades and Enhancements
  • User Licenses and User Support
  • Vendor Relationship Costs
  • Downtime and System Performance
  • Business Disruption and Productivity Loss

When you are comparing costs across solutions or service providers, be sure to incorporate as much of the above as possible rather than just a headline quotation from the service provider. This will also ensure that you are able to bring down costs comprehensibly.

Ensuring a Successful ERP Implementation

Implementing an ERP system is a significant undertaking for any organization, and ensuring its success requires careful planning and monitoring. In the last section, we summarize the Key Success Factors (KSFs) for the implementation and also provide some inputs on how to measure the success.

Key Success Factors (KSFs):

Executive Support: Having strong support and involvement from top-level executives is crucial for the success of an ERP implementation. Their commitment helps drive organizational change and ensures resource allocation.

User Engagement and Training: Engaging end-users throughout the process and providing comprehensive training are essential. User acceptance and proficiency with the new system contribute to its effective utilization.

Change Management: Implementing change management strategies to address resistance, communicate benefits, and manage expectations are vital to successful ERP adoption.

Data Quality and Migration: Ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and security during the migration process is critical. Proper data cleansing and validation help maintain the integrity of information in the new system.

Project Management: Effective project management practices, such as setting realistic timelines, managing resources, and monitoring progress, are crucial to keep the implementation on track.

Measuring Success and ROI:

Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the financial benefits and cost savings achieved through the ERP implementation. This can include increased productivity, reduced operational costs, improved inventory management, or enhanced customer satisfaction.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define specific KPIs aligned with your business goals, such as decreased order processing time, improved inventory turnover, reduced error rates, or increased on-time deliveries. Continuously monitor and track these KPIs to measure the impact of the ERP system on your organization’s performance.

User Feedback: Gather feedback from end-users regarding their experience with the new system. Assess user satisfaction, ease of use, and their perception of the system’s impact on their day-to-day tasks.

Post-Implementation Review: Conduct a post-implementation review to evaluate the overall success of the ERP project. Assess whether the project achieved its goals, identify areas of improvement, and gather lessons learned for future projects.

Remember, measuring success goes beyond the technical aspects of the implementation. It involves assessing the impact on your organization’s operations, efficiency, and overall business performance. Regularly evaluating KSFs and measuring ROI allows you to identify successes, address challenges, and continuously improve the utilization and effectiveness of your ERP system.

If you are planning to implement ERP in your organization, do not hesitate in reaching out to us. We can assist you not only in thinking through on the options but also provide you with multiple solutions, service providers as well as project management support suited to your requirements, industry & budget.

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